Thursday, November 8, 2007


i want another dog. you probably already know that i have two babies, i mean dogs, and i definitely dont need another. BUT. this dog is so sweet. and so pitiful. and he doesnt get any attention and he wont cost any money and i will walk him every day and i will be the one to take care of him and you wont have to do anything and you will love him i promise and oh, crap. sorry...i went into my "convince the husband" mode. i'm sellin this dog idea pretty hard. and he's not buyin. i've been yanking on his hearstrings for a couple of days now. the dog currently belongs to my parents who give it NO is a bird dog and therefore relegated to "kennel life". so travis says "if your parents will pay for it, you can bring him home." well duh. of course they are not going to pay for us to take the dog...they are fine with leaving him right where he is. any suggestions?

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