Wednesday, February 13, 2008


i lied to travis yesterday. i didnt mean to, it just popped out. the first lie was just a simple "no" when he asked me a question. but once that was out of my mouth, i felt like i had to keep going with the lies to make that one stick. so i made up a bunch of stuff and just kept lying. my face was all hot and i was having these high school flashbacks from when i would lie to my dad about whether i had a test the next day. now dont get me wrong, travis is nothing like my dad, and i dont normally make a habit of lying to him. but for some reason, when he asked me the question, my first instinct was to lie. i cringe now just thinking about it. so after i told the 5 or 6 lies that i had to tell to back up the first lie, i left the room. i went to take a shower and i thought about all of the ways that i could have played that differently. when i got out, he was laying in bed with the lights off. i got in bed and asked him if he was awake. when he said he was, i simply said, "i lied to you". i think he probably knew i was lying to start with (like i said, my face was all red, and i was stumbling over my words which i dont normally do). he asked why and i told him, and i immediately felt better for getting it off of my chest. im sure he felt worse, which is what i was trying to save him from when i lied in the first place. the moral of this long and rambling story is DONT LIE! and if you do, make sure you are better at it than i am.


so beth at ishouldbefoldinglanudry held a contest to see who could guess the sex(es) of the babies she is currently incubating. now this was a super fun contest for me seeing as how im baby-obsessed and all. so i guessed that she was having two boys. i was secretly hoping for identical boys. well dadgummit, guess what? i was right (along with 21 other people), but it just so happens that i was the one who not only was right, but i won a $25 amazon gift card. now how saweeeeet is that? im really exited because the day i found out i won was the day i was sitting in my baby doctors office waiting for my second iui, just checking all the bogs i read on my super handy iphone. so im hoping that some of beths baby lottery luck will rub off on me. if not, at least i can go shopping at amazon.